Table 2.

Electrophysiologic properties of CA1 pyramidal neurons

Vrest (mV)Rinput (MΩ)Vthreshold (mV)HeightAP (mV)WidthAP (ms)
Naive Dbh+/− (27)−65.5 ± 1.635.5 ± 3.9−55.1 ± 1.092.2 ± 2.52.14 ± 0.09
Pseudo Dbh+/− (22)−65.3 ± 2.633.3 ± 4.3−55.1 ± 1.090.8 ± 3.72.17 ± 0.06
Cond. Dbh+/− (25)−66.7 ± 2.238.5 ± 5.7−55.4 ± 1.189.7 ± 3.52.13 ± 0.12
Naive Dbh−/− (24)−66.9 ± 2.237.2 ± 4.8−55.2 ± 0.989.7 ± 3.12.12 ± 0.19
Cond. Dbh−/− (23)−68.1 ± 2.735.0 ± 4.1−55.0 ± 0.987.1 ± 2.72.15 ± 0.11
ANOVA p value0.910.951.00.831.0
  • Vrest is the resting membrane potential, Rinput is the input resistance at −65 mV, Vthreshold is the threshold for action potential (AP) generation, HeightAP is the height of the AP from threshold, and WidthAP is the width of the AP at threshold.