Table 3.

Structural MRI scan ratings (with SDs) for R.F.R. and a group of age-matched controls for various brain regions averaged across both hemispheres

Temporo-polar cortexAmygdalaPHGMBCSPerirhinal (LBCS)MBOSAnterior hippocampusLateral temporal cortexPosterior hippocampus
Control mean (n = 12)0.313 (0.284)0.375 (0.483)0.188 (0.188)0.521 (0.291)0.271 (0.310)0.333 (0.289)0.458 (0.382)0.458 (0.411)0.271 (0.361)
  • Structural MRI scan ratings (with SDs) for RFR and a group of age-matched controls for various brain regions (ordered from anterior to posterior location in the brain), averaged across both hemispheres. 0, No visible damage; 3 (4 for anterior hippocampus), complete absence of area; PHG, parahippocampal gyrus (corresponding to entorhinal cortex); MBCS, medial bank of collateral sulcus (corresponding to the transition between entorhinal and perirhinal cortex); LBCS, lateral bank of collateral sulcus (corresponding to perirhinal cortex); MBOS, medial bank of occipitotemporal sulcus (corresponding to the transition between perirhinal and isocortex.

  • *Significant difference compared with control mean. For further details, see Barense et al. (2007).