Table 2.

List of the number of stimulation experiments, latencies of evoked saccades, and p value indicating whether the latency distribution during combined stimulation significantly differed compared with latencies of saccades evoked with electrical stimulation alone (Kolmogorov–Smirnov test)

OpsinMonkeyNo. of sites probed with electrical and optical stimulationNo. of stimulation experiments (at various currents)No. of experiments showing significant modulationLatency (electrical)Latency (electrical and optical)Latency p value
AAV5–hSyn–ChR2(H134R)–eYFPB3207 (35%)98.36 ± 24.6091.13 ± 23.670.0017
AAV5–hSyn–ChR2(H134R)–eYFPJ52713 (48%)115.38 ± 29.52106.88 ± 24.260.0038
AAV5–hSyn–ChR2(E123A)–eYFPA95816 (28%)106.84 ± 31.72104.11 ± 20.770.22935
AAV5–CaMKII–ChR2(E123A)–mCherryA138814 (16%)100.32 ± 21.26100.90 ± 21.100.8334
AAV5–CAG–ArchT–eGFPB5355 (14%)103.14 ± 26.24103.50 ± 27.350.48456
AAV5–CAG–ArchT–eGFPJ5377 (19%)97.50 ± 25.4295.71 ± 22.140.29592