Table 3.

Brain nodes with network topology associated with psychologically induced analgesia

AbbreviationBrain regionR valuep value
Clustering coefficients
    SFG LSuperior frontal gyrus left−0.3890.010847
    MTGa RMiddle temporal gyrus anterior right−0.4890.000999
    MTGa LMiddle temporal gyrus anterior left−0.3770.013695
    MTGp LMiddle temporal gyrus posterior left−0.4100.006986
    ITGp LInferior temporal gyrus posterior left−0.3900.010928
    LOcci LLateral occipital cortex superior left−0.3890.010853
    CL RIntracalcarine cortex right−0.4140.006438
    vMPFC LVentral medial prefrontal cortex left−0.4320.004235
    MPFC RMedial prefrontal cortex right−0.3700.015825
    DMPFCp_RDorsal medial prefrontal cortex post right−0.3530.002192
    Vmpfc RVentral medial prefrontal cortex right−0.4790.001321
    ACCcd LCaudal anterior cingulate left−0.4050.007746
    ACCcd RCaudal anterior cingulate right−0.4600.002138
    ACCsg RSubgenual anterior cingulate right−0.3950.009532
    Cingp LCingulate gyrus posterior left−0.4750.001473
    Cun RCuneal cortex right−0.3600.018983
    Cun LCuneal cortex left−0.4670.001781
    Ling RLingual gyrus right−0.3550.020993
    Sc RSupracalcarine cortex right−0.4230.005179
    Put LPutamen left−0.3970.009078
    Hipp RHippocampus right−0.4050.007723
    Nac LNucleus accumbens left−0.3570.025389
Centrality (degree)
    FP_LFrontal pole left−0.4780.001362
    OFP_LOrbitofrontal pole left−0.4870.001061
    MPFC_LMedial prefrontal cortex left−0.598<0.0001
    vMPFC_LVentral medial prefrontal cortex left−0.4780.001345
    MPFC_RMedial prefrontal cortex right−0.583<0.0001
    vMPFC_RVentral medial prefrontal cortex right−0.4770.001388
    dMPFCa_LDorsal medial prefrontal cortex ant right−0.600<0.0001
    dMPFCa_RDorsal medial prefrontal cortex ant right−0.4750.001466
    Hipp_LHippocampus left−0.597<0.0001
Functional connectivity with vMPFC R
    MFG rMiddle frontal gyrus right−0.340.0268
    MTFGa LMiddle temporal gyrus anterior left−0.420.0062
    ACCcd LCaudal anterior cingulate left−0.40.0093
    ACCcd LCaudal anterior cingulate left0.430.0044
    PHippa LParahippocampal anterior gyrus−0.330.0305
    Hip LHippocampus left−0.320.0382
    Thal RThalamus right−0.360.0201
  • Regions that showed a significant relationship between graph metrics and psychologically induced analgesia are listed along with significance values. FDR corrected.