Table 1.

Behavioral performance during fMRI acquisition

Trained handUntrained hand
    Execution time (s)1.39 (0.03)1.44 (0.05)
    Error rate (%)13.76 (2.36)15.43 (2.03)
    Force (N)5.99 (0.34)5.69 (0.26)
SD between sequences
    Execution time (s)0.07 (0.01)0.09 (0.01)
    Error rate (%)6.97 (1.06)7.75 (1.27)
    Force (N)0.31 (0.04)0.33 (0.04)
Classification accuracy (%)
    Execution time41.85 (3.52)43.97 (3.28)
    Error rate29.32 (2.37)33.93 (3.00)
    Force40.91 (3.58)41.29 (3.55)
    All variables42.97 (3.68)44.42 (3.26)
  • Table shows mean (SE) across participants of the right and left hand-trained cohorts. To gage systematic differences between the sequences within each participant, we also present the average SD between the four sequences and the average classification accuracy based only on this behavioral parameter. The bottom row shows classification accuracy for all three behavioral parameters combined.