Table 4.

Talairach coordinates and number of voxels for contrast no. 5

Brain areasTalairach coordinatesNo. of voxels
Reach (Target Right of Gaze) > Reach (Target Left of Gaze)
Ego task:
    LH PMd−22−656158
    LH SMA−4−1055362
    LH M1−33−1847249
    LH S1−38−2453352
    LH SPL−39−4058320
Allo task:
    LH precentral gyrus−49−241358
    LH pIPS−23−6832318
    LH calcarine−7−867164
    LH LG−9−763234
Both tasks:
    LH extrastriate cortex−21−8625334
    LH LOC−45−746412
Reach (Target Left of Gaze) > Reach (Target Right of Gaze)
Ego task:
    RH mIPS40−5441244
    RH AG35−6841374
    RH pIPS30−7341386
Allo task:
    RH SPL27−5355383
    RH calcarine11−869313
    RH LG7−723457