Table 2.

Phase differences in δ oscillations between recording sitesa

Electrode pairDexmedetomidine anesthesiaNREM
Before LORRAfter LORR
CMT–CING136 ± 26°89 ± 18°112 ± 11°
VB–BARR100 ± 34°91 ± 32°77 ± 19°
CING–BARR348 ± 27°338 ± 23°354 ± 13°
CMT–VB15 ± 19°318 ± 18°359 ± 8°
CMT–BARR90 ± 20°61 ± 21°64 ± 15°
VB–CING126 ± 13°112 ± 29°68 ± 28°
  • aPhase differences in the δ frequency band (1–4 Hz) between the recording sites calculated from the cross-wavelet transform during natural sleep (NREM) and dexmedetomidine anesthesia.