Table 3.

Crystallographic statistics for synaptotagmin-1 with bound SV2A peptide phosphorylated at Thr84

Structure/PDB codeSYT1–SV2A peptide/4v11
Data collection
    Space groupP 1 21 1
    Wavelength (Å)1.54178
Unit-cell parameters
    a, b, c (Å)46.05, 41.43, 48.01
    α, β, γ (°)90.00, 96.59, 90.00
    Resolution range (Å)a31.28–1.95 (2.02–1.95)
    n reflections25874 (2156)
    Unique reflections13172 (1209)
    Completeness (%)99.0 (98.2)
    Rmerge (within I+/I−)b0.01496 (0.03459)
    Multiplicity2.0 (1.8)
    Mean(I)/σ(I)58.93 (23.39)
Model refinement
    Rwork/Rfree (%)c,d15.12/19.56 (12.91/19.38)
    Wilson B2)10.0
    Overall average B2)11.0
    n protein residues (atoms)160 (1286)
    n ligands (atoms)3 Ca2+, 1 glycerol (9)
    n waters (atoms)147 (147)
Ramachandran plot analysis
    Favored regions97%
    Allowed regions3%
Rms deviations
    Bond lengths (Å)0.007
    Bond angles (Å)1.004
  • aValues in parentheses refer to the highest resolution shell.

  • bEmbedded Image, where Ihkl,i is the intensity of the ith measurement of reflection hkl and 〈Ihkl〉 is the mean value of Ihkl,i for all i measurements.

  • cEmbedded Image, where Fobs is the observed structure factor, and Fcalc is the calculated structure factor.

  • dRfree is the same as Rwork except calculated with a subset, 5%, of data that are excluded from the refinement calculations. The PDB accession code is 4V11.