Table 3.

Dendritic and axonal measures for cells that showed nNOS or galanin immunoreactivitya

MeasureGalaninnNOSp (t test)
SomaSoma depth (%)61830.023*
DendritesRC extent (μm)1332010.0053**
DV extent (μm)591000.0048**
ML extent (μm)37580.01**
Dendrite length (μm)120814870.387
RC length (μm)6299570.063
DV length (μm)4115100.43
RC:DV ratio1.972.030.86
Spine density (per 100 μm)
AxonRC extent (μm)4235380.152
DV extent (μm)1101990.0308*
ML extent (μm)371050.021*
Axon length (μm)358446750.15
RC length (μm)256032650.21
DV length (μm)100813860.10
RC:DV ratio2.62.60.97
Bouton density (per 100 μm)11.411.10.69
  • aMorphometric properties of cells in which galanin (n = 18) or nNOS (n = 15) was detected. In all cases, mean values are shown. Soma depth is expressed as the percentage distance along the dorsoventral axis, with the dorsal white matter defined as 0% and the lamina II/III border as 100%. For both dendrites and axons, “extent” indicates the dimensions of the entire dendritic or axonal tree and “length” refers to the summed length of individual dendritic or axonal branches. RC:DV ratios were determined from the dorsoventral and rostrocaudal lengths of axons and dendrites.

  • *p < 0.05;

  • **p < 0.01.