Table 3.

Positive associations between SW characteristics and CT

Region (BA)Cluster size (vertices)*Corresponding p value*Coordinates of peak (MNI space)
SW density and CT
    Right superior temporal lobe (BA41/BA22/BA13)631p < 0.001(60 −19 0)
    Right middle frontal gyrus (BA6)68p = 0.008(35 −9 57)
    Right middle/inferior temporal gyri (BA21/BA20)89p = 0.009(58 −37 −19)
    Right inferoparietal lobule (BA40)111p = 0.02(56 −20 22)
SW amplitude and CT
    Right superior parietal lobe (BA7)356p < 0.001(27 −48 65)
    Left cuneus (BA19)289p = 0.02(−7 −88 30)
    Right middle frontal gyrus (BA6)62p = 0.04(37 −6 55)
    Left lingual gyrus (BA18)139p = 0.04(−23 −97 −8)
  • Cluster results of whole-brain analyses of positive contrast between frontal SW density and frontal SW amplitude with CT. Results include sex, ICV, and age group as covariables and are corrected at p < 0.05whole-brain with random fields.

  • *Coordinates of peaks for each significant cluster in relevant contrast are displayed.