Table 1.

Morphometric analysis of synaptic ultrastructure

GenotypeNon-Tg control mice (n = 61, N = 3)UbG76V-GFP-Syb2 mice (n = 55, N = 5)
Nerve terminal area (μm2)2.92 ± 0.293.44 ± 0.48
Nerve terminal perimeter (μm)6.76 ± 0.347.81 ± 0.63
Presynaptic contact length (μm)3.35 ± 0.212.93 ± 0.32
Presynaptic/perimeter ratio (%)48.0 ± 1.335.3 ± 2.0 *
Synaptic vesicle number (per nerve terminal)175 ± 14.6120 ± 17.9
Synaptic vesicle density (per μm2)67.6 ± 4.141.7 ± 3.9
  • Values are reported as the mean ± SEM. Synaptic contact ratio and synaptic vesicle density were significantly decreased in UbG76V-GFP-Syb2 mice (8 months of age) compared with littermate control mice. n, Number of nerve terminals; N, number of mice.

  • *p = 4.0753 × 10−7.

  • p = 0.0177.

  • p = 1.5886 × 10−5.