Table 1.

Cortical areas connected by the SLF

TractRegions of interest for SLF 1–3
Frontal region of interestParietal region of interestExclusion region
SLF 1Superior frontal gyrusaSuperior parietal gyrusb + precuneusaManual exclusion region of interest
SLF 2Superior frontal gyrusa + rostral middle frontala + caudal middle frontalaIntraparietal sulcusb + inferior parietal (angular gyrus)aSLF 1 parietal region of interest + SLF 3 frontal region of interest + manual exclusion region of interest
SLF 3Pars opercularisa + pars orbitalisa + pars triangularisaIntraparietal sulcusb + inferior parietal (angular gyrus)a + supramarginal gyrusaManual exclusion region of interest
  • aFrom the Desikan-Killiany Atlas (?h.aparc.annot; Desikan et al., 2006).

  • bFrom the Destrieux Atlas (?h.aparc.a2009s.annot; Destrieux et al., 2010).