Table 4.

Global and local peaks of activity for distracter-absent trials in Mixed blocks contrasted with distracter-absent trials in Pure blocks

CL-sizeCL-pZ valueXYZSideRegionArea
2272<0.054.2526−6238RPrecuneusBA 7
2272<0.053.932−8020RMiddle occipital gyrusBA 19
2272<0.053.4842−7214RMiddle occipital gyrusBA 19
2272<0.053.232−848RMiddle occipital gyrusBA 18
3995<0.014.93−26−7230LPrecuneusBA 31
3995<0.014.8−32−5440LAngular GyrusBA 39
3995<0.014.26−22−7252LSuperior parietal lobuleBA 7
3995<0.013.97−10−7244LPrecuneusBA 7
  • Cluster size (CL-size) is expressed in voxels and the reported p values are FWER-corrected with the cluster method (CL-p). Coordinates are in MNI space and BA labels refer to the nearest grey matter (within 5 mm of the peak coordinates).