Table 6.

Abbreviations of brain regions shown in Figures 79

AGAngular gyrus
IFG-orbInferior frontal gyrus, pars orbitalis
IFG-operInferior frontal gyrus, pars opercularis
IFG-trianInferior frontal gyrus, pars triangularis
ITGInferior temporal gyrus
LFOGLateral fronto-orbital gyrus
MFGMiddle frontal gyrus
MFG-DPFCMiddle frontal gyrus (dorsal prefrontal cortex)
MOGMiddle occipital gyrus
MTGMiddle temporal gyrus
MTG-polePole of middle temporal gyrus
PHGParahippocampal gyrus
PInsPosterior insula
PoCGPostcentral gyrus
PrCGPrecentral gyrus
PSIGPosterior inferior temporal gyrus
PSMGPosterior middle temporal gyrus
PSTGPosterior superior temporal gyrus
SMGSupramarginal gyrus
STGSuperior temporal gyrus
STG-polePole of superior temporal gyrus