Table 1.

Comparison of investigated random-walk processesa

NameTypevdrift*vnoise*Scaling propertyDistribution shape cv≈0.6 & γ1≈2cv
WienerGaussian diffusionEmbedded ImageEmbedded Image
Modified WienerGaussian diffusionEmbedded ImageEmbedded Image
Balanced PoissonInfinite birth-deathvEvIvE + vI
Ornstein-UhlenbeckGaussian diffusionEmbedded ImageEmbedded Image
Modified OUGaussian diffusionEmbedded ImageEmbedded Image
Generalized EhrenfestFinite birth-deathv+Embedded Image
Continuous Generalized EhrenfestGaussian diffusionv+Embedded Image
  • aNormalized moments remain constant with input and a scaling property is obtained (in the drift-dominated regimen), when accumulation rate vdrift* and dispersion rate vnoise* increase with input in the same proportions. The experimentally observed skewness is uniquely expressed by a generalized Ehrenfest process.