Table 2.

LMM testing the relationship between prestimulus mu amplitude bin and SEP amplitude for each attention condition separately (model no. 1–12)

ConditionModel No.Lmer syntaxLikelihoodLRT
Subthreshold attended(1)P60∼1 + (1|Subject)−177.49
(2)P60∼1 + Bin + (1 + Bin|Subject)−170.52χ2 = 13.94**
(3)P60∼1 + Bin + I(Bin2)+ (1 + Bin + I(Bin2)|Subject)−166.37χ2 = 8.31*
Subthreshold unattended(4)As (1),−176.32
(5)(2),−170.67χ2 = 11.29**
(6)(3), respectively−161.3χ2 = 18.73***
Suprathreshold attended(7)P50∼1 + (1|Subject)−439.65
(8)P50∼1 + Bin + (1 + Bin|Subject)−434.98χ2 = 9.34*
(9)P50∼1 + Bin + I(Bin2) + (1 + Bin + I(Bin2)|Subject)−426.65χ2 = 16.7**
Suprathreshold unattended(10)As (7),−458.01
(11)(8),−452.7χ2 = 10.7**
(12)(9), respectively−435χ2 = 35.34***
  • Likelihood depicts the models' log transformed likelihood, bigger is better, i.e., the more likely the model. LRT is the likelihood ratio test comparing two models for the same dataset [Bigger models (more parameters) are compared with respective smaller ones]. This returns a χ2 value. However, p values are based on parametric bootstrapping (10,000 simulations; Halekoh and Højsgaard, 2014): * < 0.05–0.01, ** < 0.01–0.001, *** < 0.001–0.