Table 3.

Statistics of Experiment 2: results for repeated-measures ANOVA and Newman–Keuls post hoc testa

LeverRepeated-measures ANOVANewman–Keuls post hoc testt test (comparison active/inactive)
Within-group comparisonBetween-group comparison
ActiveBL, EXT1,46reward1.5470.219EtOH
Test-session146.810.0001EtOHBL, EXT0.0001BL0.07BL0.0001
interaction1.7710.189SacBL, EXT0.0001EXT0.99EXT0.949
EXT, RE 1 + 21,46reward5.5510.023
Test-session176.800.0001EtOHEXT, RE1 + 20.0002RE1 + 20.0001
interaction6.7880.012SacEXT, RE1 + 20.0001RE0.0009
InactiveBL, EXT1,46reward0.2190.642Saccharin
Test-session16.1270.0002EtOHBL, EXT0.006BL0.48BL0.0001
interaction0.3360.565SacBL, EXT0.049EXT0.95EXT0.949
EXT, RE 1 + 21,46reward0.3940.533
Test-session7.2850.009EtOHEXT, RE1 + 20.195RE1 + 20.0001
interaction0.7070.405SacEXT, RE1 + 20.073RE0.31
  • aComparison between active and inactive lever was done using two-tailed paired t test. BL, Self-administration baseline; EXT, extinction; RE, cue-induced reinstatement; EtOH, ethanol; Sac, saccharin.