ART 2: self-organization of stable category recognition codes for analog input patterns

Appl Opt. 1987 Dec 1;26(23):4919-30. doi: 10.1364/AO.26.004919.


Adaptive resonance architectures are neural networks that self-organize stable pattern recognition codes in real-time in response to arbitrary sequences of input patterns. This article introduces ART 2, a class of adaptive resonance architectures which rapidly self-organize pattern recognition categories in response to arbitrary sequences of either analog or binary input patterns. In order to cope with arbitrary sequences of analog input patterns-ART 2 architectures embody solutions to a number of design principles, such as the stability-plasticity tradeoff, the search-direct access tradeoff, and the match-reset tradeoff. In these architectures, top-down learned expectation and matching mechanisms are critical in self-stabilizing the code learning process. A parallel search scheme updates itself adaptively as the learning process unfolds, and realizes a form of real-time hypothesis discovery, testing, learning, and recognition. After learning selfstabilizes, the search process is automatically disengaged. Thereafter input patterns directly access their recognition codes without any search. Thus recognition time for familiar inputs does not increase with the complexity of the learned code. A novel input pattern can directly access a category if it shares invariant properties with the set of familiar exemplars of that category. A parameter called the attentional vigilance parameter determines how fine the categories will be. If vigilance increases (decreases) due to environmental feedback, then the system automatically searches for and learns finer (coarser) recognition categories. Gain control parameters enable the architecture to suppress noise up to a prescribed level. The architecture's global design enables it to learn effectively despite the high degree of nonlinearity of such mechanisms.