Index by author
July 01, 1981; Volume 1,Issue 7
Appel, SH
- ArticlesThe effect of calcium on acetylcholine receptor synthesisJL McManaman, JC Blosser and SH AppelJournal of Neuroscience 1 July 1981, 1 (7) 771-776;
Bagnoli, P
- ArticlesSelective retrograde labeling of cholinergic neurons with [3H]cholineP Bagnoli, A Beaudet, M Stella and M CuenodJournal of Neuroscience 1 July 1981, 1 (7) 691-695;
Beaudet, A
- ArticlesSelective retrograde labeling of cholinergic neurons with [3H]cholineP Bagnoli, A Beaudet, M Stella and M CuenodJournal of Neuroscience 1 July 1981, 1 (7) 691-695;
Blosser, JC
- ArticlesThe effect of calcium on acetylcholine receptor synthesisJL McManaman, JC Blosser and SH AppelJournal of Neuroscience 1 July 1981, 1 (7) 771-776;
Bunge, RP
- ArticlesDual expression of neurotransmitter synthesis in cultured autonomic neuronsL Iacovitti, TH Joh, DH Park and RP BungeJournal of Neuroscience 1 July 1981, 1 (7) 685-690;
Cabot, JB
- ArticlesEnhancement of heart rate responses during conditioning and sensitization following interruption of raphe-spinal projectionsJB Cabot, DM Goff and DH CohenJournal of Neuroscience 1 July 1981, 1 (7) 760-770;
Catterall, WA
- ArticlesLocalization of sodium channels in cultured neural cellsWA CatterallJournal of Neuroscience 1 July 1981, 1 (7) 777-783;
Changeux, JP
- ArticlesOntogenesis of olivocerebellar relationships. I. Studies by intracellular recordings of the multiple innervation of Purkinje cells by climbing fibers in the developing rat cerebellumJ Mariani and JP ChangeuxJournal of Neuroscience 1 July 1981, 1 (7) 696-702;
- ArticlesOntogenesis of olivocerebellar relationships. II. Spontaneous activity of inferior olivary neurons and climbing fibermediated activity of cerebellar Purkinje cells in developing ratsJ Mariani and JP ChangeuxJournal of Neuroscience 1 July 1981, 1 (7) 703-709;
Cohen, DH
- ArticlesEnhancement of heart rate responses during conditioning and sensitization following interruption of raphe-spinal projectionsJB Cabot, DM Goff and DH CohenJournal of Neuroscience 1 July 1981, 1 (7) 760-770;
Constantine-paton, M
- ArticlesAnatomy and physiology of experimentally produced striped tectaMI Law and M Constantine-PatonJournal of Neuroscience 1 July 1981, 1 (7) 741-759;