Index by author
May 01, 1991; Volume 11,Issue 5
Abercrombie, ED
- ArticlesPrior exposure to chronic stress results in enhanced synthesis and release of hippocampal norepinephrine in response to a novel stressorLK Nisenbaum, MJ Zigmond, AF Sved and ED AbercrombieJournal of Neuroscience 1 May 1991, 11 (5) 1478-1484;
Alevizos, A
- ArticlesSynaptic actions of identified peptidergic neuron R15 in Aplysia. I. Activation of respiratory pumpingA Alevizos, KR Weiss and J KoesterJournal of Neuroscience 1 May 1991, 11 (5) 1263-1274;
- ArticlesSynaptic actions of identified peptidergic neuron R15 in Aplysia. II. Contraction of pleuroabdominal connectives mediated by motoneuron L7A Alevizos, KR Weiss and J KoesterJournal of Neuroscience 1 May 1991, 11 (5) 1275-1281;
- ArticlesSynaptic actions of identified peptidergic neuron R15 in Aplysia. III. Activation of the large hermaphroditic ductA Alevizos, KR Weiss and J KoesterJournal of Neuroscience 1 May 1991, 11 (5) 1282-1290;
Applegate, MD
- ArticlesChronic stress-induced acceleration of electrophysiologic and morphometric biomarkers of hippocampal agingDS Kerr, LW Campbell, MD Applegate, A Brodish and PW LandfieldJournal of Neuroscience 1 May 1991, 11 (5) 1316-1324;
Armstrong, DM
- ArticlesGlutamate receptor subtypes mediate excitatory synaptic currents of dopamine neurons in midbrain slicesG Mereu, E Costa, DM Armstrong and S ViciniJournal of Neuroscience 1 May 1991, 11 (5) 1359-1366;
Atwood, HL
- ArticlesSynaptic transmission in decentralized axons of rock lobsterI Parnas, J Dudel and HL AtwoodJournal of Neuroscience 1 May 1991, 11 (5) 1309-1315;
Bentley, D
- ArticlesCalcium ion distribution in nascent pioneer axons and coupled preaxonogenesis neurons in situD Bentley, PB Guthrie and SB KaterJournal of Neuroscience 1 May 1991, 11 (5) 1300-1308;
Beyer, C
- ArticlesDopamine content and metabolism in mesencephalic and diencephalic cell cultures: sex differences and effects of sex steroidsC Beyer, C Pilgrim and I ReisertJournal of Neuroscience 1 May 1991, 11 (5) 1325-1333;
Black, MM
- ArticlesStable clathrin: uncoating protein (hsc70) complexes in intact neurons and their axonal transportMM Black, MH Chestnut, IT Pleasure and JH KeenJournal of Neuroscience 1 May 1991, 11 (5) 1163-1172;
Brenowitz, EA
- ArticlesSeasonal changes in avian song nuclei without seasonal changes in song repertoireEA Brenowitz, B Nalls, JC Wingfield and DE KroodsmaJournal of Neuroscience 1 May 1991, 11 (5) 1367-1374;
Brodish, A
- ArticlesChronic stress-induced acceleration of electrophysiologic and morphometric biomarkers of hippocampal agingDS Kerr, LW Campbell, MD Applegate, A Brodish and PW LandfieldJournal of Neuroscience 1 May 1991, 11 (5) 1316-1324;