Index by author
August 01, 1992; Volume 12,Issue 8
Al-shamma, HA
- ArticlesDecline of vasopressin immunoreactivity and mRNA levels in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis following castrationMA Miller, GJ DeVries, HA al-Shamma and DM DorsaJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1992, 12 (8) 2881-2887;
Alvarez, FJ
- ArticlesSynaptic interactions between GABA-immunoreactive profiles and the terminals of functionally defined myelinated nociceptors in the monkey and cat spinal cordFJ Alvarez, AM Kavookjian and AR LightJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1992, 12 (8) 2901-2917;
Aston-jones, G
- ArticlesRobust enkephalin innervation of the locus coeruleus from the rostral medullaG Drolet, EJ Van Bockstaele and G Aston-JonesJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1992, 12 (8) 3162-3174;
Bank, M
- ArticlesSegregation of presynaptic inputs on an identified target neuron in vitro: structural remodeling visualized over timeM Bank and S SchacherJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1992, 12 (8) 2960-2972;
Barker, JL
- ArticlesDifferential and transient expression of GABAA receptor alpha-subunit mRNAs in the developing rat CNSMO Poulter, JL Barker, AM O'Carroll, SJ Lolait and LC MahanJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1992, 12 (8) 2888-2900;
Batra, R
- ArticlesA comparison of the interaural time sensitivity of neurons in the inferior colliculus and thalamus of the unanesthetized rabbitTR Stanford, S Kuwada and R BatraJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1992, 12 (8) 3200-3216;
Blasdel, GG
- ArticlesDifferential imaging of ocular dominance and orientation selectivity in monkey striate cortexGG BlasdelJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1992, 12 (8) 3115-3138;
- ArticlesOrientation selectivity, preference, and continuity in monkey striate cortexGG BlasdelJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1992, 12 (8) 3139-3161;
Bolz, J
- ArticlesFormation of specific afferent connections in organotypic slice cultures from rat visual cortex cocultured with lateral geniculate nucleusJ Bolz, N Novak and V StaigerJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1992, 12 (8) 3054-3070;
Butler, LS
- ArticlesNMDA and non-NMDA receptor-mediated increase of c-fos mRNA in dentate gyrus neurons involves calcium influx via different routesLS Lerea, LS Butler and JO McNamaraJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1992, 12 (8) 2973-2981;
Charnas, LR
- ArticlesIdentification and developmental expression of a novel low molecular weight neuronal intermediate filament protein expressed in Xenopus laevisLR Charnas, BG Szaro and H GainerJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1992, 12 (8) 3010-3024;