Index by author
June 01, 1993; Volume 13,Issue 6
Aebischer, P
- ArticlesTransplants of immunologically isolated xenogeneic chromaffin cells provide a long-term source of pain-reducing neuroactive substancesJ Sagen, H Wang, PA Tresco and P AebischerJournal of Neuroscience 1 June 1993, 13 (6) 2415-2423;
Aguayo, AJ
- ArticlesTemporal changes in beta-tubulin and neurofilament mRNA levels after transection of adult rat retinal ganglion cell axons in the optic nerveL McKerracher, C Essagian and AJ AguayoJournal of Neuroscience 1 June 1993, 13 (6) 2617-2626;
Amaral, DG
- ArticlesLesions of the perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices in the monkey produce long-lasting memory impairment in the visual and tactual modalitiesWA Suzuki, S Zola-Morgan, LR Squire and DG AmaralJournal of Neuroscience 1 June 1993, 13 (6) 2430-2451;
Ambron, RT
- ArticlesAn 83 kDa O-GlcNAc-glycoprotein is found in the axoplasm and nucleus of Aplysia neuronsSP Elliot, R Schmied, CA Gabel and RT AmbronJournal of Neuroscience 1 June 1993, 13 (6) 2424-2429;
Arai, Y
- ArticlesHighly polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM-H) is expressed by newly generated granule cells in the dentate gyrus of the adult ratT Seki and Y AraiJournal of Neuroscience 1 June 1993, 13 (6) 2351-2358;
Arima, T
- ArticlesResponse dynamics and directional properties of nonspiking local interneurons in the cockroach cercal systemY Kondoh, T Arima, J Okuma and Y HasegawaJournal of Neuroscience 1 June 1993, 13 (6) 2287-2305;
Armstrong, D
- ArticlesSemisynthetic sphingolipids prevent protein kinase C translocation and neuronal damage in the perifocal area following a photochemically induced thrombotic brain cortical lesionA Kharlamov, A Guidotti, E Costa, R Hayes and D ArmstrongJournal of Neuroscience 1 June 1993, 13 (6) 2483-2494;
Baraban, JM
- ArticlesRapid communication between neurons and astrocytes in primary cortical culturesTH Murphy, LA Blatter, WG Wier and JM BarabanJournal of Neuroscience 1 June 1993, 13 (6) 2672-2679;
Barde, YA
- ArticlesSpecific high-affinity receptors for neurotrophin-3 on sympathetic neuronsG Dechant, A Rodriguez-Tebar, R Kolbeck and YA BardeJournal of Neuroscience 1 June 1993, 13 (6) 2610-2616;
Bartley, DA
- ArticlesMechanisms of nitric oxide-mediated neurotoxicity in primary brain culturesVL Dawson, TM Dawson, DA Bartley, GR Uhl and SH SnyderJournal of Neuroscience 1 June 1993, 13 (6) 2651-2661;