In “Regulation of Neurotrophin Receptor Expression during Embryonic and Postnatal Development” (E. Escandón, D. Soppet, A. Rosenthal, J.-L. Mendoza-Ramírez, E. Szönyi, L.E. Burton, C.E. Henderson, L.F. Parada, and K. Nikolics), which appeared on pages 2054–2068 in the April 1994 issue, the symbols defined in the legend to Figure 3 appeared out of order. The legend should read:
Self- and cross-competition analysis of BDNF (A) and NT-4/5 (B) binding to recombinant cells expressing p145TrkB. Crude membrane preparations (150 ¨g of total protein/tube) were incubated in the presence of 50–100 pM 125I-labeled BDNF (A) or 125I-labeled NT-4/5 (B) with increasing concentrations of homologous or heterologous unlabeled ligands. The symbols are as follows: squf,■ BDNF; •, NT-4/5; ▼,; NT-3; ▲, NGF. The binding assay conditions are described in Materials and Methods. The competitor neurotrophin concentrations (picomolar) are indicated.
The publisher regrets the error.