To elucidate spatial and cognitive function of the septal nuclei, neural activity was recorded from alert monkeys during performance of a place-dependent go/no-go (PGN) task. Response/reinforcement contingencies of given objects were conditional upon the location of a motorized, movable device (cab) containing a monkey in one of four places. The task was initiated by presentation of the outside view (place phase) followed by presentation of an object (object phase) selected from a total of four. A lever press was reinforced only if the correct object was seen in its corresponding place, and the same object was never reinforced in any of the other three places. Of 430 septal neurons recorded, the responses during the place phase in the four places were significantly different in 58 neurons. Responses of eight of these neurons were also place-differential during the object phase as well as the place phase. Furthermore, when the outside view was not presented before the object phase, differential responses in the object phase disappeared. Responses of 91 neurons in the object phase were differential in terms of go/no-go responses and reward availability. Of these 91 neurons, 72 were further tested on a place-independent asymmetrical go/no-go (AGN) task, which required no conditional discrimination. Forty-three neurons responded differentially only in the PGN task. It is thus concluded that this PGN-specific activity reflected conditional place-object relations. Of the remaining 29 neurons that responded differentially in both tasks, 21 were further tested by a place-independent symmetrical go/no-go task (no-go responses were also rewarded). Responses of 19 of these 21 neurons were related to the reward/nonreward contingency but not to the response contingency. The results suggest that septal nuclei are involved in integrating spatial information, conditional place-object relations, and reward/nonreward contingency.