Index by author
August 01, 1995; Volume 15,Issue 8
Ahmed, S
- ArticlesBDNF enhances the differentiation but not the survival of CNS stem cell- derived neuronal precursorsS Ahmed, BA Reynolds and S WeissJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1995, 15 (8) 5765-5778;
Aisemberg, GO
- ArticlesThe leech homeobox gene Lox4 may determine segmental differentiation of identified neuronsVY Wong, GO Aisemberg, WB Gan and ER MacagnoJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1995, 15 (8) 5551-5559;
Amaral, DG
- ArticlesTransient memory impairment in monkeys with bilateral lesions of the entorhinal cortexBW Leonard, DG Amaral, LR Squire and S Zola-MorganJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1995, 15 (8) 5637-5659;
Antle, MC
- ArticlesNeuropeptides phase shift the mammalian circadian pacemakerHD Piggins, MC Antle and B RusakJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1995, 15 (8) 5612-5622;
Appel, K
- ArticlesCloning of rat interleukin-3 receptor beta-subunit from cultured microglia and its mRNA expression in vivoK Appel, M Buttini, A Sauter and PJ Gebicke-HaerterJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1995, 15 (8) 5800-5809;
Attwell, D
- ArticlesPre- and postsynaptic determinants of EPSC waveform at cerebellar climbing fiber and parallel fiber to Purkinje cell synapsesM Takahashi, Y Kovalchuk and D AttwellJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1995, 15 (8) 5693-5702;
Barrett, RK
- ArticlesTemperature compensation and temperature entrainment of the chick pineal cell circadian clockRK Barrett and JS TakahashiJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1995, 15 (8) 5681-5692;
Benowitz, LI
- ArticlesTwo factors secreted by the goldfish optic nerve induce retinal ganglion cells to regenerate axons in cultureJM Schwalb, NM Boulis, MF Gu, J Winickoff, PS Jackson, N Irwin and LI BenowitzJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1995, 15 (8) 5514-5525;
Bentlage, C
- ArticlesCNS-derived neural progenitor cells for gene transfer of nerve growth factor to the adult rat brain: complete rescue of axotomized cholinergic neurons after transplantation into the septumA Martinez-Serrano, C Lundberg, P Horellou, W Fischer, C Bentlage, K Campbell, RD McKay, J Mallet and A BjorklundJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1995, 15 (8) 5668-5680;
Bickford, PC
- ArticlesLong-term potentiation disrupts auditory gating in the rat hippocampusCL Miller, PC Bickford, AK Wiser and GM RoseJournal of Neuroscience 1 August 1995, 15 (8) 5820-5830;