Fig. 6. The performance of the birds (mean number of looks) in each group before lesions (stage I), after lesions (stage II), and after transplantation (stage III). A, For the space task, the significant differences in the various groups among stages I, II, and III are shown in the graph (* p< 0.05, Tukey’s HSD for “within-bird” comparisons). The controls (C) and sham-lesioned (S) birds performed better than chance (of 4 looks) during all three stages. After lesioning (stage II), the lesioned (L) birds performed at or near chance level and significantly worse than their prelesion performance. After transplantation, only the birds with surviving H transplants (H–T) showed significant behavioral recovery, effectively reversing the lesion-induced deficit; compare stage I with II and stage II with III (*p < 0.05, HSD). The H transplanted birds without visible transplants (H–NT) did not show any significant differences among the three stages. The telencephalon transplanted birds with transplants (AT–T) or without visible transplants (AT–NT) only showed a significant effect of lesion but no improvement after transplantation.B, The mean number of looks on the color task for each group, among stages I, II, and III. Only the lesioned birds showed a significant performance impairment after lesioning (*p < 0.05, HSD).