Fig. 6. Lack of effects of NA on outward currents in DRG cells from control animals and suppression of Ca2+-sensitive portion of current in cells from axotomized animals. A1,A2,A3, Lack of effect of 10 μm NA on total outward current recorded in a small cell at +70 mV from a holding potential of −90 mV in the absence and in the presence of 1 mm Cd2+. A1, Graphic representation of the time course of the experiment; each point represents the amplitude of the outward current response to a test pulse to +70 mV evoked once every 20 sec. A2, Superimposed current responses recorded in the presence and absence of NA.A3, Superimposed responses recorded in Cd2+ in the presence and absence of NA.B1,B2, B3, Reduction of Ca2+-sensitive component of outward current in an axotomized small cell by 10 μm NA (voltage commands as inA). B1, Graphic representation of the time course of the experiment; note that NA only suppresses the outward current before the addition of 1 mmCd2+. B2, B3, Superimposed data records to illustrate action of NA and its occlusion by Cd2+.C1,C2,C3, Pharmacology of reduction of outward current in an axotomized small cell by 10 μm NA (voltage commands as in A and B).C1, Graphic representation of the time course of the experiment; note that NA does not suppress the outward current in the presence of yohimbine (1 μm).C2,C3, Superimposed data records to illustrate antagonism of the action of NA by yohimbine. Calibration (20 nA/20 msec) in B refers to both B andC. All voltage traces were omitted for clarity.