Index by author
April 15, 1997; Volume 17,Issue 8
Adams, Barbara
- ArticlesActivation of Glutamatergic Neurotransmission by Ketamine: A Novel Step in the Pathway from NMDA Receptor Blockade to Dopaminergic and Cognitive Disruptions Associated with the Prefrontal CortexBita Moghaddam, Barbara Adams, Anita Verma and Darron DalyJournal of Neuroscience 15 April 1997, 17 (8) 2921-2927;
Aerts, Joël
- ArticlesFunctional Neuroanatomy of Human Slow Wave SleepPierre Maquet, Christian Degueldre, Guy Delfiore, Joël Aerts, Jean-Marie Péters, André Luxen and Georges FranckJournal of Neuroscience 15 April 1997, 17 (8) 2807-2812;
Aghajanian, George K.
- Articles5-HT2A Receptor-Mediated Regulation of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor mRNA in the Hippocampus and the NeocortexVidita A. Vaidya, Gerard J. Marek, George K. Aghajanian and Ronald S. DumanJournal of Neuroscience 15 April 1997, 17 (8) 2785-2795;
Ai, Xingbin
- ArticlesThe Generation of Neuronal Heterogeneity in a Rat Sensory GanglionAlison K. Hall, Xingbin Ai, Georgia E. Hickman, Sally E. MacPhedran, Constance O. Nduaguba and Christie P. RobertsonJournal of Neuroscience 15 April 1997, 17 (8) 2775-2784;
Andreasen, Paul
- ArticlesEffects of m-Chlorophenylpiperazine on Regional Brain Glucose Utilization: A Positron Emission Tomographic Comparison of Alcoholic and Control SubjectsDaniel Hommer, Paul Andreasen, Daniel Rio, Wendol Williams, Urs Ruttimann, Reza Momenan, Alan Zametkin, Robert Rawlings and Markku LinnoilaJournal of Neuroscience 15 April 1997, 17 (8) 2796-2806;
Andrews, Timothy J.
- ArticlesCorrelated Size Variations in Human Visual Cortex, Lateral Geniculate Nucleus, and Optic TractTimothy J. Andrews, Scott D. Halpern and Dale PurvesJournal of Neuroscience 15 April 1997, 17 (8) 2859-2868;
Apparsundaram, Subramaniam
- ArticlesMolecular Cloning and Characterization of anl-Epinephrine Transporter from Sympathetic Ganglia of the Bullfrog, Rana catesbianaSubramaniam Apparsundaram, Kimberly R. Moore, M. D. Malone, H. Criss Hartzell and Randy D. BlakelyJournal of Neuroscience 15 April 1997, 17 (8) 2691-2702;
Banerjee, Shilpi A.
- ArticlesAn Antibody to the Tetraspan Membrane Protein CD9 Promotes Neurite Formation in a Partially α3β1 Integrin-Dependent MannerShilpi A. Banerjee, Michael Hadjiargyrou and Paul H. PattersonJournal of Neuroscience 15 April 1997, 17 (8) 2756-2765;
Barnes, Carol A.
- ArticlesSelective Alteration of Long-Term Potentiation-Induced Transcriptional Response in Hippocampus of Aged, Memory-Impaired RatsAnthony Lanahan, Gregory Lyford, Gail S. Stevenson, Paul F. Worley and Carol A. BarnesJournal of Neuroscience 15 April 1997, 17 (8) 2876-2885;
Baxter, Gregory T.
- ArticlesSignal Transduction Mediated by the Truncated trkB Receptor Isoforms, trkB.T1 and trkB.T2Gregory T. Baxter, Monte J. Radeke, Richard C. Kuo, Victoria Makrides, Beth Hinkle, Richard Hoang, Angelica Medina-Selby, Doris Coit, Pablo Valenzuela and Stuart C. FeinsteinJournal of Neuroscience 15 April 1997, 17 (8) 2683-2690;