Fig. 2. The PKG inhibitor KT5823 (10 μm) inhibits the induction of LTD but not of LTP. A, In a control set of slices, LFS induced LTD of field EPSPs (○);n = 7. In a second set of experimental slices, KT5823 prevented the induction of LTD of field EPSPs (•);n = 8. B, In a control set of slices, LFS consisting of 60 stimuli at 1 Hz applied at −40 mV induced LTD of EPSCs recorded under whole-cell patch-clamp conditions (○);n = 5. In a second set of experimental slices, LTD of EPSCs was inhibited in cells filled with KT5823 by diffusion from the patch pipette (•); n = 5. C, D, In control slices, HFS consisting of one train of eight stimuli at 200 Hz (C) or eight trains of eight stimuli at 200 Hz (D) induced LTP (○);n = 5. In experimental slices, LTP of EPSCs was not inhibited in cells filled with KT5823 by diffusion from the patch pipette when LTP was induced by one or eight trains of HFS (C, D) (•); n = 5. The original traces inC show paired-pulse recordings of EPSCs in control baseline recordings (a, b) and after induction of LTP (c, d). E, The graph shows that LTP of field EPSPs induced by HFS (8 trains of 8 stimuli at 200 Hz) is not blocked by extracellular bath application of KT5823, with the amplitude of LTP induced in control (○) not significantly different from that in KT5823 (•).