Fig. 3. Overall kinetics of rod precursor genesis correlated with kinetics of rhodopsin onset. A, Rod precursor genesis in developing rat retina. Developing retinae were administered a [3H]thymidine pulse in vivo on E14, E15, E17, E19, E21, P0, P2, or P5. The percentage of surviving cells born on each day of injection that differentiated as rod photoreceptors was assessed using combined immunocytochemical–autoradiographic analysis on mature retinae.B, Kinetics of rhodopsin expression in neonatal retina and kinetics of onset of immunocytochemically detectable rhodopsin expression in the postnatal rat retina. Plotted are the percentages of cells per retina positive for Rho4D2 staining during postnatal development. C, The kinetics of rhodopsin onset closely mimic the kinetics of rod precursor genesis separated by a 6.5–7.0 d lag. We used the data in A and B and the number of total retinal cells and postmitotic cells generated on each day of retinal development (Alexiades and Cepko, 1996) to approximate the cumulative numbers of rod precursors born and rhodopsin-positive cells for each day of retinal development. (The estimation of the cumulative number of rod precursors born neglects cell death and therefore may be a slight overestimate for the earlier time points in particular.) Theplot lines for A and for rod precursor birth in C represent the average of two trials, and the error range extends to the values of each individual trial, with the exception of P5 where a single trial was performed. One hundred or more heavily labeled cells were scored for each data point for these curves. In B and for the number of rhodopsin-positive cells inC, each plotted value represents the average ± SEM. More than 250 cells per trial were scored, with between two and six trials per time point.