Correction: In the article “Mechanoelectrical Transduction and Adaptation in Hair Cells of the Mouse Utricle, a Low-Frequency Vestibular Organ,” by Jeffrey R. Holt, David P. Corey, and Ruth Anne Eatock, which appeared on pages 8739–8748 of the November 15, 1997 issue, the authors have discovered an error in their data. The commercial software used to import raw data into an analysis program shortened the time scale of all records by a factor of 2. The error affects Figures 2, 4C,D, 5A,C,6A,B, 7, and 9 and all time and frequency values that appear in the text. The error can be corrected by multiplying all time values by 2 and dividing all frequencies by 2. The error does not significantly affect the conclusions of the article.
The authors used pClamp 6.0 (Axon Instruments, Foster City, CA) software to acquire data and Origin 4.1 (Microcal Software, Northampton, MA) for analysis. The pClamp add-on module available from Microcal converts “axon binary files” into ASCII format. The add-on module contains two dynamic link library files that contain the code that caused this error. The error only occurs when the data are acquired on more than one channel. The problem has been corrected in Origin 5.0.