Fig. 5. Reversal potential of the transporter and its substrate dependence. A, Specimen data showing the current changes produced by dihydrokainate (DHK; 200 μm) at various potentials (shown by eachtrace) in control solution (containing 101 mm Na+, 42.5 mmK+, and 100 μm glutamate, pH 7.4). At negative potentials the transporter moves glutamate and net positive charge in the inward direction, and DHK produces an outward current. At positive potentials the transporter runs in the other direction, and DHK produces an inward current. The amplitudes of current changes like this are plotted with the opposite sign in B–D to show the current that is blocked by DHK. B–D, Shifts of reversal potential of the current suppressed by DHK, produced by altering the external concentrations of Na+, H+, K+, and glutamate.Straight lines are linear regression fits to the data.B, Voltage dependence of the transporter current in control solution with 101 mm[Na+]o (filled circles), then in solution with reduced [Na+]o (open circles), and then again in control solution (filled triangles). C, Similar data but for a reduction of [H+]o (pHo = 8.0).D, I–V relation for the DHK-suppressed transporter current in solution with reduced [K+]o (10 mm; open circles), then in control solution (42.5 mm[K+]o; filled circles), and then in 10 mm[K+]o again (open triangles). E, Data as in B but for an increase of external glutamate concentration from the control value (100 μm) to 300 μm. Specimen data are shown for single cells (rather than averaged over all cells) for each solution change because of small variations in the initial reversal potential in each cell (quantified in Table 1), presumably reflecting small differences in intracellular [Na+], [H+], [K+], or [Glu−], which would add noise to the shift of theI–V relation. The theoretical predictions (Eqs. 2-5) for the reversal potential shifts are independent of the exact intracellular substrate concentrations and are compared with mean data (averaged over all cells) in Table 1.