Fig. 1. Schematic drawing representing eye movements under normal and altered conditions. Eye position (position) in spontaneous eye movements (left) and eye velocity (velocity) during VOR induction (right) are schematically represented in a control situation and under hypothetical alterations of velocity processing (velocity imbalance), integration (integrator failure), or both. On theright, the solid line represents eye velocity, and the dotted line represents head velocity. Because eyes move in a direction opposite to the head during the reflex response, the head velocity curve has been inverted to facilitate comparison with the eye velocity curve. The horizontal dashed line corresponds to the mean head velocity, which by definition is zero. The horizontal dashed and dotted line represents the mean eye velocity, which is also zero in the absence of velocity imbalance. The vertical dotted lines indicate the head and eye phase peaks.Left, During spontaneous movements, alterations in the processing of velocity signals produce nystagmic eye movements with ramp-like slow phases, whereas a failure of oculomotor integration produces gaze-holding impairment, causing exponential drifts toward a central position. When integration is absent, the drift time constant is estimated to be 0.16 sec (Goldberg, 1980). If both velocity and integration deficits occur at the same time, a nystagmus with curved slow phases will appear. Right, During VOR induction, the velocity imbalance appears as a positive or negative value of the mean slow eye velocity, whereas the integration deficit results in a decreased reflex gain and increased phase lead. A velocity imbalance with gain reduction and enhanced phase lead should be expected when both alterations are present.