Fig. 1. Raw data traces showing LG-S EPSPs recorded at maximal group I strength in MG motoneurons. Traces show EPSPs recorded with a single pulse at 0.5 Hz (a,b) and during an 18 Hz pulse train (five pulses repeated every 2 sec) (c, d) and a 167 Hz pulse train (32 pulses repeated every 2 sec) (e,f). EPSPs were recorded from comparable cells (see below) in untreated (a, c,e) and 3-d-axotomized (b,d, f) rats. Tracesare representative of the observed mean effects of short-term axotomy, increased EPSP amplitude (a vs b) and increased negative modulation at 18 and 167 Hz (c vsd and e vs f, respectively). a, c, e(Untreated), EPSP amplitude = 4.8 mV, motoneuron CV = 40 m/sec, rheobase = 2.9 nA, IR = 2.0 MΩ, AHP amplitude = 2.7 mV, and AHP half-decay time = 26.0 msec. b,d, f (3 d axotomy), EPSP amplitude = 9.3 mV, motoneuron CV = 33 m/sec, rheobase = 5.3 nA, IR = 3.9 MΩ,, AHP amplitude = 3.4 mV, and AHP half-decay time = 23.0 msec.