Fig. 3. EMG tuning curves. Normalized EMG response at four body locations is plotted against stimulus location. InA, the body perimeter icon illustrates the stimulus locations (arrows), and in all panels this icon shows the location of EMG measurement, θ (small filled rectangles). A, θ = −45°; B, θ = −90°; C, θ = −135°; D, θ = 180°. Data points show the mean ± SEM for five animals. Also shown is the cosine curve,b0 + b1cos (S − So), which best fits the mean data: A,b0 = 0.45, b1 = 0.41, So = −63°;R2 = 0.89. B,b0 = 0.48, b1 = 0.48, So = −113°;R2 = 0.97. C,b0 = 0.47, b1 = 0.47, So = −126°;R2 = 0.92. D,b0 = 0.48, b1 = 0.39, So = −167°;R2 = 0.85.