Index by author
March 01, 1982; Volume 2,Issue 3
Aronin, N
- ArticlesLight and electron microscopic localization of immunoreactive Leu- enkephalin in the monkey basal gangliaM DiFiglia, N Aronin and JB MartinJournal of Neuroscience 1 March 1982, 2 (3) 303-320;
Bixby, JL
- ArticlesThe pattern of interhemispheric connections and its relationship to extrastriate visual areas in the macaque monkeyDC Van Essen, WT Newsome and JL BixbyJournal of Neuroscience 1 March 1982, 2 (3) 265-283;
Difiglia, M
- ArticlesLight and electron microscopic localization of immunoreactive Leu- enkephalin in the monkey basal gangliaM DiFiglia, N Aronin and JB MartinJournal of Neuroscience 1 March 1982, 2 (3) 303-320;
Enna, SJ
- ArticlesThe influence of sex hormones on antidepressant-induced alterations in neurotransmitter receptor bindingDA Kendall, GM Stancel and SJ EnnaJournal of Neuroscience 1 March 1982, 2 (3) 354-360;
Foreman, MM
- ArticlesDopamine deficiency in the weaver mutant mouseMJ Schmidt, BD Sawyer, KW Perry, RW Fuller, MM Foreman and B GhettiJournal of Neuroscience 1 March 1982, 2 (3) 376-380;
Friedlander, MJ
- ArticlesEffects of monocular deprivation on the structure-function relationship of individual neurons in the cat's lateral geniculate nucleusMJ Friedlander, LR Stanford and SM ShermanJournal of Neuroscience 1 March 1982, 2 (3) 321-330;
Fuller, RW
- ArticlesDopamine deficiency in the weaver mutant mouseMJ Schmidt, BD Sawyer, KW Perry, RW Fuller, MM Foreman and B GhettiJournal of Neuroscience 1 March 1982, 2 (3) 376-380;
Fuster, JM
- ArticlesNeuronal firing in the inferotemporal cortex of the monkey in a visual memory taskJM Fuster and JP JerveyJournal of Neuroscience 1 March 1982, 2 (3) 361-375;
Gershon, MD
- ArticlesPhenotypic expression in the developing murine enteric nervous systemTP Rothman and MD GershonJournal of Neuroscience 1 March 1982, 2 (3) 381-393;
Ghetti, B
- ArticlesDopamine deficiency in the weaver mutant mouseMJ Schmidt, BD Sawyer, KW Perry, RW Fuller, MM Foreman and B GhettiJournal of Neuroscience 1 March 1982, 2 (3) 376-380;