Fig. 6. Microtubule polarity analyses on control and CHO1/MKLP1-antisense treated cultures. The standard “hooking” procedure was used to assess microtubule polarity orientation. Clockwise hooks indicate plus-end-distal microtubules, whereas counterclockwise hooks indicate minus-end-distal microtubules.a shows the data from two control dendrites, whereasb shows the data from six antisense-treated dendrites. The data are expressed as the percentages of clockwise hooks in different sampled regions. In control dendrites, slightly more than half of the hooks were clockwise in proximal and middle regions, with progressively higher percentages in the more distal regions. In dendrites that had completely thinned along their lengths, the percentage of clockwise hooks was >95%, indicating uniformly plus-end-distal microtubules (data not shown). The dendrites shown inb are “transitional,” in the sense that they still showed withering tapered regions. In all cases, the thinner distal regions showed predominantly or entirely clockwise hooks. In two of the six cases, the proportion of plus-end-distal microtubules was significantly higher than controls at corresponding sites throughout the length of the dendrite. In four of the six cases, this increase in the proportion of plus-end-distal microtubules was observed throughout most of the length of the dendrite, except in the most proximal region near the cell body, which actually showed a reduction in the proportion of clockwise hooks. Examples of the electron micrographs are shown inc–e, and the corresponding regions of the dendrite from which the electron micrographs were taken are shown bylettered-marked arrows in b. Scale bar:a, b, 40 μm; c–e, 0.45 μm.