Fig. 1. Schematic of the stomatogastric nervous system and the response of the gastric mill and pyloric circuits to individual stimulation of two different modulatory projection neurons.A, The stomatogastric nervous system includes four ganglia plus their connecting and peripheral nerves. The ganglia are the stomatogastric ganglion (STG), oesophageal ganglion (OG), and the paired commissural ganglia (CoGs). The STG contains the gastric mill and pyloric circuits, whereas modulatory projection neurons that innervate the STG are located in the OG and CoGs. Modulatory commissural neuron 1 (MCN1) occurs as a single copy in each CoG, whereas the modulatory proctolin neuron (MPN) occurs as an equivalent pair of somata in the OG. The axonal projection patterns of only one MCN1 and MPN are shown. The inferior (ion) and superior oesophageal nerves (son) are severed (as indicated by the broken lines) to eliminate the modulatory influence from CoG projection neurons that innervate the STG. Anterior is to the left. B,Schematic of the cotransmitter complements of MCN1 and MPN, plus their actions on the STG circuits. Also illustrated are the two synaptic actions that occur onto the STG terminals of MCN1 that are pivotal for enabling this neuron to elicit the gastric mill rhythm (Coleman et al., 1995; Blitz et al., 1999). T-bars represent transmitter-mediated excitation, filled circlerepresents synaptic inhibition, and resistor symbolrepresents electrical coupling. C, Tonic stimulation of MCN1 and MPN elicits distinct STG motor patterns. MCN1 stimulation enhances and modifies the pyloric rhythm (lvn, mvn) and activates the gastric mill rhythm (dgn,LG). MPN stimulation enhances and modifies the pyloric rhythm but does not activate a gastric mill rhythm. Note that the pyloric rhythm during stimulation of these two projection neurons is distinct (e.g., mvn). Most hyperpolarized LGVm: saline superfusion (left), −66 mV; MCN1 stimulation (middle), −72 mV; MPN stimulation (right), −69 mV. Nerves: dpon, dorsal posterior oesophageal nerve; dgn, dorsal gastric nerve;ion, inferior oesophageal nerve; lgn, lateral gastric nerve; lvn, lateral ventricular nerve;mvn, medial ventricular nerve; pdn, pyloric dilator nerve; pyn, pyloric constrictor nerve;son, superior oesophageal nerve; stn, stomatogastric nerve. STG neurons: DG, dorsal gastric neuron; IC, inferior cardiac neuron; LG, lateral gastric neuron; LP, lateral pyloric neuron;PD, pyloric dilator neuron; PY, pyloric neuron; VD, ventricular dilator neuron.