C-Terminal Interaction Is Essential for Surface Trafficking But Not for Heteromeric Assembly of GABAB Receptors
Adriana Pagano, Giorgio Rovelli, Johannes Mosbacher, Tania Lohmann, Beatrice Duthey, Daniela Stauffer, Dorothee Ristig, Valerie Schuler, Ingeborg Meigel, Christina Lampert, Thomas Stein, Laurent Prézeau, Jaroslav Blahos, Jean-Philippe Pin, Wolfgang Froestl, Rainer Kuhn, Jakob Heid, Klemens Kaupmann and Bernhard Bettler
Journal of Neuroscience 15 February 2001, 21 (4) 1189-1202; https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.21-04-01189.2001