Article Figures & Data
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Legend for Videos 4 Through 6:
Colocalization of SOD1 and mitochondrial signals in the mouse spinal cord. Spinal cords from G93A mice were stained with anti-COX1 (green) and SOD1 (red) antibodies, and visualized using confocal imaging and 3 dimensional reconstruction. Notice that all mitochondrial signals overlap with some SOD1 signals, while some SOD1 signals do not overlap with the mitochondrial signal.
Legend for Videos 1 Through 3:
Colocalization of SOD1 and mitochondrial signals in the mouse spinal cord. Spinal cords from G93A mice were stained with anti-COX1 (green) and SOD1 (red) antibodies, and visualized using confocal imaging and 3 dimensional reconstruction. Notice that all mitochondrial signals overlap with some SOD1 signals, while some SOD1 signals do not overlap with the mitochondrial signal.