Figure 6. Elimination of the arginine-rich domain or di-leucine motif in KA2 does not alter receptor function. A, Representative current traces evoked by fast application of glutamate (10 mm, 100 msec; gray bar) to HEK 293 cells expressing homomeric KA2(R/A) and KA2(R/A+LL908-9VV) receptors. Despite robust surface expression, these homomeric receptors remain unresponsive to glutamate. B, Representative current traces evoked by fast application of glutamate to cells expressing homomeric GluR5(Q), GluR5/KA2, GluR5/KA2(R/A), and GluR5/KA2(R/A+LL908-9VV) receptors. Heteromeric GluR5/KA2 receptors desensitized significantly faster than homomeric GluR5 receptors. C, Mean peak amplitudes (left half) and mean desensitization rates (right half) of heteromeric GluR5/KA2, GluR5/KA2(R/A), and GluR5/KA2(R/A+LL908-9VV) receptors were not significantly different (n = 4, 13, and 8, respectively, for amplitudes; n = 4, 12, and 8, respectively, for desensitization rates). The desensitization τ was determined by fitting the current decay with a single exponential function. The holding potential in each case was -70 mV. Also note that both the wild-type KA2 and the mutants are tagged with N-terminal myc epitopes.