Index by author
February 01, 2003; Volume 23,Issue 3
Ahmadian, Gholamreza
- ARTICLE, CELLULAR/MOLECULARInteraction of Calcineurin and Type-A GABA Receptor γ2 Subunits Produces Long-Term Depression at CA1 Inhibitory SynapsesJian Wang, ShuHong Liu, Ursula Haditsch, WeiHong Tu, Kimberley Cochrane, Gholamreza Ahmadian, Linda Tran, Jadine Paw, YuTian Wang, Isabelle Mansuy, Michael M. Salter and YouMing LuJournal of Neuroscience 1 February 2003, 23 (3) 826-836;
Ariano, Marjorie A.
- ARTICLE, BEHAVIORAL/SYSTEMS/COGNITIVETransient and Progressive Electrophysiological Alterations in the Corticostriatal Pathway in a Mouse Model of Huntington's DiseaseCarlos Cepeda, Raymond S. Hurst, Christopher R. Calvert, Elizabeth Hernández-Echeagaray, Oanh K. Nguyen, Emily Jocoy, Lindsey J. Christian, Marjorie A. Ariano and Michael S. LevineJournal of Neuroscience 1 February 2003, 23 (3) 961-969;
Bacci, Alberto
- ARTICLE, CELLULAR/MOLECULARFunctional Autaptic Neurotransmission in Fast-Spiking Interneurons: A Novel Form of Feedback Inhibition in the NeocortexAlberto Bacci, John R. Huguenard and David A. PrinceJournal of Neuroscience 1 February 2003, 23 (3) 859-866;
Bansal, Rashmi
- ARTICLE, DEVELOPMENT/PLASTICITY/REPAIRFibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3 Signaling Regulates the Onset of Oligodendrocyte Terminal DifferentiationLuke Y. S. Oh, Adam Denninger, Jennifer S. Colvin, Aditee Vyas, Shubha Tole, David M. Ornitz and Rashmi BansalJournal of Neuroscience 1 February 2003, 23 (3) 883-894;
Bass, Andrew H.
- ARTICLE, BEHAVIORAL/SYSTEMS/COGNITIVESeasonal Plasticity of Peripheral Auditory Frequency SensitivityJoseph A. Sisneros and Andrew H. BassJournal of Neuroscience 1 February 2003, 23 (3) 1049-1058;
Baufreton, Jérôme
- ARTICLE, CELLULAR/MOLECULARD5 (Not D1) Dopamine Receptors Potentiate Burst-Firing in Neurons of the Subthalamic Nucleus by Modulating an L-Type Calcium ConductanceJérôme Baufreton, Maurice Garret, Alicia Rivera, Adélaïda de la Calle, François Gonon, Bernard Dufy, Bernard Bioulac and Anne TaupignonJournal of Neuroscience 1 February 2003, 23 (3) 816-825;
Beig, Sania
- ARTICLE, BEHAVIORAL/SYSTEMS/COGNITIVEEvidence from Functional Neuroimaging of a Compensatory Prefrontal Network in Alzheimer's DiseaseCheryl L. Grady, Anthony R. McIntosh, Sania Beig, Michelle L. Keightley, Hana Burian and Sandra E. BlackJournal of Neuroscience 1 February 2003, 23 (3) 986-993;
Beloozerova, Irina N.
- ARTICLE, BEHAVIORAL/SYSTEMS/COGNITIVEActivity of Different Classes of Neurons of the Motor Cortex during LocomotionIrina N. Beloozerova, Mikhail G. Sirota and Harvey A. SwadlowJournal of Neuroscience 1 February 2003, 23 (3) 1087-1097;
Benshoff, Nicholas D.
- ARTICLE, DEVELOPMENT/PLASTICITY/REPAIREarly Exposure to Common Anesthetic Agents Causes Widespread Neurodegeneration in the Developing Rat Brain and Persistent Learning DeficitsVesna Jevtovic-Todorovic, Richard E. Hartman, Yukitoshi Izumi, Nicholas D. Benshoff, Krikor Dikranian, Charles F. Zorumski, John W. Olney and David F. WozniakJournal of Neuroscience 1 February 2003, 23 (3) 876-882;
Bevilaqua, Lia R. M.
- BRIEF COMMUNICATIONInhibition of mRNA and Protein Synthesis in the CA1 Region of the Dorsal Hippocampus Blocks Reinstallment of an Extinguished Conditioned Fear ResponseMartı́n Cammarota, Lia R. M. Bevilaqua, Daniel Kerr, Jorge H. Medina and Iván IzquierdoJournal of Neuroscience 1 February 2003, 23 (3) 737-741;
In this Issue