Index by author
October 29, 2003; Volume 23,Issue 30
Abarbanel, Henry D. I.
- Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveEnhancement of Synchronization in a Hybrid Neural Circuit by Spike-Timing Dependent PlasticityThomas Nowotny, Valentin P. Zhigulin, Allan I. Selverston, Henry D. I. Abarbanel and Mikhail I. RabinovichJournal of Neuroscience 29 October 2003, 23 (30) 9776-9785;
Andrews, Gracie L.
- Development/Plasticity/RepairR-Cadherin Is a Pax6-Regulated, Growth-Promoting Cue for Pioneer AxonsGracie L. Andrews and Grant S. MastickJournal of Neuroscience 29 October 2003, 23 (30) 9873-9880;
Angelo, Marco
- Cellular/MolecularLoss of Ca2+/Calmodulin Kinase Kinase β Affects the Formation of Some, But Not All, Types of Hippocampus-Dependent Long-Term MemoryMarco Peters, Keiko Mizuno, Laurence Ris, Marco Angelo, Emile Godaux and K. Peter GieseJournal of Neuroscience 29 October 2003, 23 (30) 9752-9760;
Apparsundaram, Subbu
- Cellular/MolecularVesicular Localization and Activity-Dependent Trafficking of Presynaptic Choline TransportersShawn M. Ferguson, Valentina Savchenko, Subbu Apparsundaram, Melissa Zwick, Jane Wright, Craig J. Heilman, Hong Yi, Allan I. Levey and Randy D. BlakelyJournal of Neuroscience 29 October 2003, 23 (30) 9697-9709;
Archey, William B.
- Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveHippocampal Place Cell Instability after Lesions of the Head Direction Cell NetworkJeffrey L. Calton, Robert W. Stackman, Jeremy P. Goodridge, William B. Archey, Paul A. Dudchenko and Jeffrey S. TaubeJournal of Neuroscience 29 October 2003, 23 (30) 9719-9731;
Arnett, Heather A.
- Development/Plasticity/RepairFunctional Genomic Analysis of Remyelination Reveals Importance of Inflammation in Oligodendrocyte RegenerationHeather A. Arnett, Ying Wang, Glenn K. Matsushima, Kinuko Suzuki and Jenny P.-Y. TingJournal of Neuroscience 29 October 2003, 23 (30) 9824-9832;
Baes, Myriam
- Development/Plasticity/RepairNeuronal Migration Depends on Intact Peroxisomal Function in Brain and in Extraneuronal TissuesAnneleen Janssen, Pierre Gressens, Markus Grabenbauer, Eveline Baumgart, Arno Schad, Ilse Vanhorebeek, Annelies Brouwers, Peter E. Declercq, Dariush Fahimi, Philippe Evrard, Luc Schoonjans, Désiré Collen, Peter Carmeliet, Guy Mannaerts, Paul Van Veldhoven and Myriam BaesJournal of Neuroscience 29 October 2003, 23 (30) 9732-9741;
Baumgart, Eveline
- Development/Plasticity/RepairNeuronal Migration Depends on Intact Peroxisomal Function in Brain and in Extraneuronal TissuesAnneleen Janssen, Pierre Gressens, Markus Grabenbauer, Eveline Baumgart, Arno Schad, Ilse Vanhorebeek, Annelies Brouwers, Peter E. Declercq, Dariush Fahimi, Philippe Evrard, Luc Schoonjans, Désiré Collen, Peter Carmeliet, Guy Mannaerts, Paul Van Veldhoven and Myriam BaesJournal of Neuroscience 29 October 2003, 23 (30) 9732-9741;
Blakely, Randy D.
- Cellular/MolecularVesicular Localization and Activity-Dependent Trafficking of Presynaptic Choline TransportersShawn M. Ferguson, Valentina Savchenko, Subbu Apparsundaram, Melissa Zwick, Jane Wright, Craig J. Heilman, Hong Yi, Allan I. Levey and Randy D. BlakelyJournal of Neuroscience 29 October 2003, 23 (30) 9697-9709;
Blazquez, Pablo M.
- Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveCerebellar Signatures of Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Motor LearningPablo M. Blazquez, Yutaka Hirata, Shane A. Heiney, Andrea M. Green and Stephen M. HighsteinJournal of Neuroscience 29 October 2003, 23 (30) 9742-9751;