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- Supplemental Movie 3a - An animated version of Figure 3a recorded for 7 hours (30 minutes interval). The movement of the multipolar cells was observed on living slices prepared from EF1a-GFP/E12.5:E14 brains. Multipolar cells advanced toward the pial surface (upper side) very slowly, while dynamically extending and retracting multiple processes.
- Supplemental Movie 3b - An animated version of Figure 3b recorded for 14.5 hours (30 minutes interval). DsRed-positive multipolar cells were frequently colocalized with DsRed-positive radial glial cells. In this specimen, three labeled multipolar cells were closely colocalized with a labeled radial glial cell, whose cell body was undergoing mitosis (M phase at t=7.5 hr). One of the multipolar cells advanced toward the pial surface by means of the dynamic movement of its processes and passed another multipolar cell.
- Supplemental Movie 3c - An animated version of Figure 3c recorded for 11.5 hours (30 minutes interval). The locomotion cells within the CP were observed on the living slices taken from the CAG-GFP/E14.5:E18 brains
- Supplemental Movie 4b - An animated version of Figure 4b recorded for 13.5 hours (30 minutes interval). Tangential �jump� of multipolar cells. One multipolar cell temporarily assumed locomotion-cell-like morphology by extending a thick process tangentially and jumping in that direction (t=2.5-8.5hr). The cell then retracted the thick tangential process and extended a radially oriented thick process. Finally, the cell resumed radial multipolar migration toward the pial surface (upper side) (t=10.5-14.0hr). The other cell (pointed by arrowhead in the printed version, t=6.5) also jumped tangentially (t=4.5-8.5hr).