Figure 1. Hebbian LTP induction in two different age groups of mice using perforated patch recordings. Ai, Aii, Current response during voltage clamp to negative 10 mV voltage step during development of perforated patch. For this sample cell, access resistance changed from ∼400 MΩ after 5 min to ∼80 MΩ after 20 min (Ai) and remained stable thereafter for the duration of the experiment (Aii). Bi, Bii, LTP induction protocol for both juvenile (P9-P14) (Bi) and young adult (P22-P28) (Bii) mice. A single EPSP was paired with a single postsynaptic action potential elicited by current injection (5 msec, 0.1-0.85 nA) repeated 30 times. After 20 min, a single EPSP was paired with a postsynaptic burst (20 msec, 0.1-0.85 nA). Stimulation artifacts and capacitance transients have been truncated for clarity. Ci, Cii, Normalized EPSP amplitude monitored over time for both juvenile (Ci) and young adult (Cii) mice. EPSP amplitudes were measured and expressed as a percentage of the mean of the amplitude measured during the last 3 min before single-spike pairing. Test inputs are shown with filled diamonds, and control input is shown with open circles. Error bars indicate SEM. Single arrowheads indicate an episode of single-spike pairing; double arrowheads indicate an episode of burst pairing. Inset, Averaged EPSP waveforms over 3 min periods from baseline period, 20 min after a single-spike pairing episode and 20 min after a burst-pairing episode from a typical cell, are plotted for both age groups of mice. Dotted traces of baseline waveforms are overlaid for direct comparison when potentiation has occurred. Stimulation artifacts have been truncated.