Fig. 3. The VSD response to a strong cutaneous stimulus is triphasic. A, Frame sequence of averaged functional maps depicting the depolarization phase, followed by the hyperpolarization phase (n = 192 trials). Scale bar, 1 mm.B, Average normalized frame sequence across 10 experiments (n = 1638 trials). C,Time course of the triphasic response for the experiment shown inA. The three traces are at different distances from the barrel center. D, Average normalized time course of the triphasic response for the same 10 experiments. Different traces depict responses at different cortical distances from the point of maximal response. Inset, Same responses normalized to the peak of the depolarization phase. E, Average response as a function of the distance from the center of activity at different times. Black curves are Gaussian fits to the net depolarization minus the net hyperpolarization (see text). F, HWHH of positive Gaussian (red) and of negative Gaussian (blue). Fit during early depolarization (t <50 msec) is done only to the positive Gaussian. G, Late normalized response (t = 50–150 msec from stimulation onset) as a function of early response (t = 20 msec from stimulation onset), for different forces of cutaneous stimulation (n = 4 experiments, 488 trials).