Figure 1.
Experimental procedures. A, Drawing of stimulus locations. One hundred punctuate step stimuli were delivered to each of 10 locations on both sides of the body. Namely, digit 3, digit 4, dorsal paw (dorsum), ankle, forearm, and arm were stimulated dorsally, where as digit 1, digit 2, digit 5, and ventral paw (palm) were stimulated ventrally. B, C, Example of spike sorting from an electrode (electrode 19) where three neurons (b, c, d) were discriminated. Note that electrode 19 indicates the third electrode of the 16 channel array implanted in the right cortex in a bilateral implant on one animal; electrodes 1-16 indicate the array implanted in the left cortex. B, The three cells had distinguishable spike waveforms. Thick lines represent the average wave forms (sig019b, 949 spikes; sig019c, 1980 spikes; sig019d, 1073 spikes). Thin lines are representative waveforms of single spikes (10 waveforms per neuron). C, The autocorrelograms show the expected refractory period and different patterns for the three cells. For details about the relationship between the refractory period and the autocorrelogram, see Bar-Gad et al. (2001). D, Histological confirmation of electrode placement. The photomicrograph shows an example of postmortem brain slice Nissl stained after a stimulating current had been placed down the electrodes at the end of the experiments. The black arrows indicate the location of two electrode tips in the deep layers (V-VI) of the forepaw somatosensory cortex.