Index by author
November 03, 2004; Volume 24,Issue 44
Amaral, David G.
- Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveEntorhinal Cortex Lesions Disrupt the Relational Organization of Memory in MonkeysCindy A. Buckmaster, Howard Eichenbaum, David G. Amaral, Wendy A. Suzuki and Peter R. RappJournal of Neuroscience 3 November 2004, 24 (44) 9811-9825;
Aradi, I.
- Featured ArticleNeurobiology of DiseaseA Novel Epilepsy Mutation in the Sodium Channel SCN1A Identifies a Cytoplasmic Domain for β Subunit InteractionJ. Spampanato, J. A. Kearney, G. de Haan, D. P. McEwen, A. Escayg, I. Aradi, B. T. MacDonald, S. I. Levin, I. Soltesz, P. Benna, E. Montalenti, L. L. Isom, A. L. Goldin and M. H. MeislerJournal of Neuroscience 3 November 2004, 24 (44) 10022-10034;
Arbour, Nicole A.
- Cellular/Molecularp53 Activation Domain 1 Is Essential for PUMA Upregulation and p53-Mediated Neuronal Cell DeathSean P. Cregan, Nicole A. Arbour, Jason G. MacLaurin, Steven M. Callaghan, Andre Fortin, Eric C. C. Cheung, Daniel S. Guberman, David S. Park and Ruth S. SlackJournal of Neuroscience 3 November 2004, 24 (44) 10003-10012;
Aston-jones, Gary
- Behavioral/Systems/CognitivePhasic Activation of Monkey Locus Ceruleus Neurons by Simple Decisions in a Forced-Choice TaskEdwin C. Clayton, Janusz Rajkowski, Jonathan D. Cohen and Gary Aston-JonesJournal of Neuroscience 3 November 2004, 24 (44) 9914-9920;
Azad, Shahnaz C.
- Cellular/MolecularCircuitry for Associative Plasticity in the Amygdala Involves Endocannabinoid SignalingShahnaz C. Azad, Krisztina Monory, Giovanni Marsicano, Benjamin F. Cravatt, Beat Lutz, Walter Zieglgänsberger and Gerhard RammesJournal of Neuroscience 3 November 2004, 24 (44) 9953-9961;
Banks, Kathleen G.
- Development/Plasticity/RepairCaspase-7 Expanded Function and Intrinsic Expression Level Underlies Strain-Specific Brain Phenotype of Caspase-3-Null MiceCaroline Houde, Kathleen G. Banks, Nathalie Coulombe, Dita Rasper, Erich Grimm, Sophie Roy, Elizabeth M. Simpson and Donald W. NicholsonJournal of Neuroscience 3 November 2004, 24 (44) 9977-9984;
Benna, P.
- Featured ArticleNeurobiology of DiseaseA Novel Epilepsy Mutation in the Sodium Channel SCN1A Identifies a Cytoplasmic Domain for β Subunit InteractionJ. Spampanato, J. A. Kearney, G. de Haan, D. P. McEwen, A. Escayg, I. Aradi, B. T. MacDonald, S. I. Levin, I. Soltesz, P. Benna, E. Montalenti, L. L. Isom, A. L. Goldin and M. H. MeislerJournal of Neuroscience 3 November 2004, 24 (44) 10022-10034;
Bennett, Michael V. L.
- Neurobiology of DiseaseLate Calcium EDTA Rescues Hippocampal CA1 Neurons from Global Ischemia-Induced DeathAgata Calderone, Teresa Jover, Toshihiro Mashiko, Kyung-min Noh, Hidenobu Tanaka, Michael V. L. Bennett and R. Suzanne ZukinJournal of Neuroscience 3 November 2004, 24 (44) 9903-9913;
Bertolucci, Franco
- Featured ArticleBehavioral/Systems/CognitiveThe S6KII (rsk) Gene of Drosophila melanogaster Differentially Affects an Operant and a Classical Learning TaskGabriele Putz, Franco Bertolucci, Thomas Raabe, Troy Zars and Martin HeisenbergJournal of Neuroscience 3 November 2004, 24 (44) 9745-9751;
Born, Jan
- Behavioral/Systems/CognitiveTranscranial Direct Current Stimulation during Sleep Improves Declarative MemoryLisa Marshall, Matthias Mölle, Manfred Hallschmid and Jan BornJournal of Neuroscience 3 November 2004, 24 (44) 9985-9992;