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- supplemental material - Table 1 (Supplementary). Locomotor activity of T287D CaMKII males. Spontaneous activity was measured in the line-crossing assay.� Individual male flies were placed in courtship chambers, and the number of times the fly crossed a line drawn through the center of the chamber was counted during a 3 minute period, in red light.� Raw data was subjected to a one-way ANOVA with genotype as the main effect (F[9, 228] = 4.43, P < 0.0001).� The one-way ANOVA showed significant differences, and was followed by means comparisons with an adjusted alpha level of 0.003 for 17 planned comparisons (Sokal and Rohlf, 1995).� MJ85b, 30Y/+, and 201Y/+ were significantly less active than wild type (P < 0.003).
- supplemental material - Figure 1 (Supplementary). Behavioral effects of GAL4 elements. To determine if the GAL4 elements used in this study had effects on behavior, we trained males that were hemi- or heterozygous for each of the GAL4 elements for 1 h with a mated female. Memory was assessed immediately following training with an anesthetized virgin. Flies were raised on tetracycline-free food. (A) GAL4 insertions training effects. Gray bar shows wild type (Canton S) performance. Black bars show training indices (CIf/CIi) for the progeny of crosses between wild type and the GAL4 line indicated below the bar. Compared to wild type, 201Y and 29BD males were significantly less able to suppress courtship during training (ANOVA F[5, 107] = 5.9296, P < 0.0001, with planned post-hoc comparisons significant, a = 0.01). (B) GAL4 insertions do not effect memory. Gray bar shows wild type (Canton S) performance. Black bars show memory indices (CIt/mCIsh) for the progeny of crosses between wild type and the GAL4 line indicated below the bar. There were no significant differences between GAL4 and wild type animals (ANOVA F[5, 105] = 3.2097, P = 0.0098, with planned post-hoc comparisons not significant, a = 0.01).