Figure 2.
Detection of failures of receptor activation. A, Schematic illustrating the failure analysis in single dendritic spines using the high-affinity indicator Fluo-4. Under baseline conditions (top), presynaptic stimulation results in failures, primarily because of failure of neurotransmitter release and successes attributable to binding of released glutamate to NMDA-Rs and the resultant influx of Ca2+ (arrows). Under conditions of partial NMDA-R blockade, the incidence of release failures does not change but there is an increased incidence of failures of receptors to open despite glutamate release (receptor failures), at the expense of successes. Note that under these conditions, successes are attributable to the opening of fewer channels and often a single channel. Because of dye saturation, these responses appear nearly as large as responses attributable to the opening of many channels. B, C, Frequency distributions of NMDA-R-mediated Ca2+ signals before (B) and in the presence of (C) D-CPP. Note the clear separation of successes (blue bars) from failures (black bars) in both conditions. Under conditions of partial blockade, failures increased at the expense of successes. Open histograms (red) indicate the distribution of ΔG/R in trials when no stimulus was delivered. D, Partial blockade (PB) of NMDA-R EPSCs as a function of [D-CPP]. The gray line shows the fit using the Michaelis-Menten equation. E, NMDA-R EPSCs (black line; baseline) partially blocked by 250 nm D-CPP (red line). The washout trace is indicated by the gray line. These currents are from the same experiment illustrated in A and B. F, G, D-CPP increases failure rates. F, Synapses (N = 45) that were recorded before and after the addition of D-CPP showed a mean net change of 34% (red bar). In comparison, G shows the analogous data from 15 synapses in which D-CPP was not added, to test for nonstationarity of f. When divided into epochs analogous to “baseline” and “D-CPP” epochs analyzed in the failure analysis, there was no net change in f (red bar). H, I, Absence of a presynaptic effect of D-CPP. H, Black trace, baseline at -70 mV; red trace, 10 μm D-CPP at -70 mV; gray trace, 10 μm D-CPP plus 10 μm NBQX at +40 mV, demonstrating complete blockade of the NMDA-R EPSC at this concentration of D-CPP. I, D-CPP (10 μm) does not have an effect on AMPA-R EPSC amplitude or paired-pulse ratio (PPR) (ISI, 40 msec).